Signs, Signs ... Everywhere There's Signs - Part 2
Continuing yesterday's post about silly signs ...Maybe they are talking about M. Night Shyamalan's movie?
Frighteningly, this odd sign combo almost has relevance with today's violence among school kids. But, more likely, it's because drunk hunters cannot tell a deer from a school bus.
Is this a real problem in whatever town this is?
You'd think that if someone actually did try it, they would stop pretty quick. Unless they were drunk hunters fresh from shooting school buses. They might need this sign.
Now there's a movie to take the kiddies to! Or, drunk hunters.
Do they rifle through the fried corpse's pockets for the fine, or is it transferred to the unlucky bastard's heirs? I suppose it might really be a clean-up fee. You know how hard it is to get fried on foods off of a cooking pan.
Today's Penny Doubled Daily Cumulative Amount for 65 days is:
the last 2 were the best. I laughed at the instant death followed by a $200 fine. Good luck collecting that one guys!
I nearly fell out of my chair over that movie sign and I agree with Bruiser, the fine is classic comedy. B4T
Loved the signs.
Not sure about hitting balls against fence, I have a rough idea though.
I found a great site a couple years ago that archived tons of these kinds of signs. I was rolling all night. Let me see if I can find it again...
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